About B-29 Wings of the Marianas
At the business meeting during the 2016 Reunion, an amendment was presented to change the bylaws to reduce the number of officers from 5 to 3. The resulting officer positions are listed below and the people who were elected to fill the positions for 2023.
Board of Directors for 2023
Chairman: Larry Miller
Treasurer: Mandy Cohen
Secretary: Nancee Hollenbeck
Reunion Planner: Jim Burling
From the by-laws of the organization, we are the “B-29 Wings of the Marianas” and our goals shall be:
1. To provide a forum where World War II B-29 veterans, their families and descendants can meet and exchange information.
2. To preserve and perpetuate the history and achievements of the World War II B-29 Wings stationed in the Marianas, their planes, and the men who flew, maintained and supported them.
3. To memorialize those B-29 men who were killed, wounded or captured during their service.
4. To hold annual gatherings where members can meet in person to promote the above goals and engage in related social activities.
5. To publish a regular newsletter.
6. To engage in other activities related to preserving and perpetuating the history and achievements of the World War II B-29 Wings of the Marianas.